Dan Paul Smith

Interface and visualisation developer.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Linked Data API - JSON endpoints

For developers who are familiar and comfortable with JSON - I've gathered a list of linked-data JSON API endpoints, to provide shallow waters (that can still attract the most colourful of fish!) for linked-data beginners.

For most endpoints, to retrieve JSON, you can simply add ".json" to the end of the URL.

Please let me know if you find any or have any to add.

data.gov.uk (Linked Data API)




John Goodwin's BIS API (Linked Data API)

Ordanance Survey (RDF JSON)

Talis Labs (Linked Data API)


Local Authority Spending

Space Data

Vocabulary of inter-linking Documents (VoiD) Data

The National Archives (Linked Data API)


Open Election Data Project (Soon)

Resource viewer

You can view linked data resources from these endpoints using the "Resource Snapshot" viewer I built at the Kasabi hackday:

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